- 1:5 这都因雅各的过犯,因以色列家的罪。雅各的过犯在那里?岂不是在撒玛利亚么?犹大的邱坛在那里?岂不是在耶路撒冷么?
- 1:5 All this is because of the transgression of Jacob / And because of the sins of the house of Israel. / What is the transgression of Jacob? / Is it not Samaria? / And what are the high places of Judah? / Are they not Jerusalem?
- 1:5 这都因雅各的罪过、以色列家的罪恶,雅各的罪过在哪里呢,岂不是在撒玛利亚么,犹大的丘坛在哪里呢。岂不是在耶路撒冷么,
- 1:5 For the transgression of Jacob is all this, and for the sins of the house of Israel. Whence is the transgression of Jacob? is it not [ from ] Samaria? And whence are the high places of Judah? are they not [ from ] Jerusalem?
- 1:5 For the transgression of Jacob [ is ] all this , and for the sins of the house of Israel . What [ is ] the transgression of Jacob ? [ is it ] not Samaria ? and what [ are ] the high places of Judah ? [ are they ] not Jerusalem ?