- 3:16 耶和华必从锡安吼叫,从耶路撒冷发声,天地就震动。耶和华却要作祂百姓的避难所,作以色列人的保障。
- 3:16 And Jehovah will roar from Zion, / And from Jerusalem He will utter His voice, / And the heavens and the earth will shake. / But Jehovah will be a shelter to His people / And a stronghold to the children of Israel.
- 3:16 耶和华必从锡安吼叫、从耶路撒冷发声,天地就震动,耶和华却要作他百姓的避难所、作以色列人的保障。
- 3:16 And Jehovah will roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: and Jehovah will be a shelter for his people, and the refuge of the children of Israel.
- 3:16 The LORD also shall roar out of Zion , and utter his voice from Jerusalem ; and the heavens and the earth shall shake : but the LORD [ will be ] the hope of his people , and the strength of the children of Israel .