- 4:25 亚当又与妻子同房;她就生了一个儿子,给他起名叫塞特,说,神给我另立了一个后裔代替亚伯,因为该隐杀了他。
- 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again. And she gave birth to a son and called his name Seth, for, she said, God has appointed me another seed instead of Abel, because Cain slew him.
- 4:25 亚当又与妻子同房、他就生了一个儿子、起名叫塞特、意思说、神另给我立了一个儿子代替亚伯、因为该隐杀了他。
- 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: ...For God has appointed me another seed instead of Abel, because Cain has slain him.
- 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again ; and she bare a son , and called his name Seth : For God , [ said she , ] hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel , whom Cain slew .